Wobbledogs Console Edition Patch Notes
Major Changes:
- A limit of 200 dog cores and dogs has been introduced in order to avoid memory issues which previously led to various crashes. A new counter in the Dog Storage screen displays this limit.
Bug Fixes:
- The breeding mode crashes and freezes have been resolved.
- General memory optimizations.
- You can no longer enter Edit Mode when viewing the Dog Den Interior as this has no effect.
- Fixed cursor issues resulting from being in petting mode whiel swapping between dogs.
- Selection navigation should no longer get stuck when selecting dogs for breeding.
- Fix for Russian language text visibly overflowing on the cocoon hatch label.
- Fix for the dog counter text displaying over two lines in certain languages.
- Fix for dog memorial UI not having proper localized text.
- Fix for the issue that caused the camera to get stuck on occasion when dragging dirt clumps onto dirt patches.
- Fix for incorrect dog thumbnails for dogs recently stored or brought out when swapping between dogs in the dog gut UI.
- Fix for broken scrolling inside the gut flora field guide.
- Fix for placeholder or blank text inside the gut flora field guide entries.
- Fix for L and R glyphs appearing behind "Mutate" text when opening the dog gut GUI.
- Added new indicator on Flora GUI for page 1/2 when there are new discoveries on the second page.
- Removed white texture that would appear on the pupation screen.
- Fixed a bug where you would still be petting a dog in another room if you swapped rooms while petting it.
- Fix for the cursor improperly appearing over certain menus and messing with inputs.
- Fix for thumbnail UI glyphs sometimes positioning incorrectly.
- Dog den interior label text position adjustment.
- Fixed an issue that caused old dog cores to not properly update their thumbnails. This fix also results in smaller save files for players.
- Stopped heart particles from rendering during thumbnail generation.
- Improved readability of world message text.
- Fix for being able to press the back button while breeding UI is still loading.
- Fix the goals system from stealing the current UI selection focus while in the breeding sim.
- Fixed a save file issue that could result in the game attempting to load into the breeding sim rather than the pens.
- Fixed dog selection issues that could occur after closing a tutorial popup.
- Adjusted goal popup sorting order so that it appears above tutorial popups instead of behind them.
- Fixed display issue in the mutation UI that could occur if the UI was closed extremely quickly.
- Added new zoom in/out and drag up/down glyphs in the tutorial.
- Updated in-game text to say "interact" instead of "click".
- Fixed duplicating and impossible to clear goal notification issues.
- Fixed being able to access edit mode and the toybox menu in certain scenarios when focusing on a dog inside a den.
- When in breeding mode, the game will now only remove an egg from your inventory at the end, right before you receive a new fertilized egg. This way if the game ever crashes here in the future, you won't lose progress.
- Dog thumbnail resolution updates
- Breeding mode title now hidden during the cutscene.
- Fixed various animation issues resulting from skipping the breeding cutscene.
- Fixed a whole range of issues with dog thumbnail generation and caching.
- Game credits update.
- The game now fully pauses when menus are displayed and other situations that call for it.
- Mystery goals now have their names show up making it easier to track completion.
- Item deletion prioritisation - Capsules, eggs and dog cores will no longer be destroyed when the objects reach their max limit.
- When you have a goal to claim, an indicator is displayed on the main HUD.
- When a dog dies with the camera focused on it, the camera will be focused on its torso until camera is unlocked.
- Blurry items including food dispensers and egg hatcher icons are no longer blurry.
- Added in food particles, egg hatch particles, and cocoon hatch particles.
- You can now use directional button to switch room in ‘Play mode’.
- The dog portrait system has been reworked and has improved performance.
- A dog counter has been added to the bottom right of the screen to indicate when a player has reached the maximum number of dogs in each room.
- When hatching a cocoon players can now highlight the cocoon with the shoulder buttons and press 'Y' to hatch.
Bug Fixes:
- On-load fix added for game saves that improperly saved with more than the maximum allowed number of dogs in-game.
- The clean-up button in Decoration mode now clears puddles as well.
- Planum Mirabilis flora now makes a dog wide as well, which should enable players to control dog wideness before that goal is completed.
- Fixed an issue where idling on the main menu would trigger "time played" goals for the last played file.
- Fixed an issue that caused the cursor to completely lock to the centre of screen when dragging dirt clumps to dirt patches.
- Clean-up button in object placement mode now functions as expected. An indicator has been added to show that the player needs to hold the clean-up button.
- Fixed an issue that caused the dog den name/description to display as "test object".
- Options menu settings no longer reset when loading a file.
- Fixed a bug that caused Russian text to overlap on the mutation screen.
- The Jungle Food Dispenser no longer dispenses Ants on a Log before it's unlocked.
- Fixed an issue with dog thumbnail portraits appearing slightly stretched vertically.
- The box that says "Instruction" in placement mode has been removed.
- An issue where players would get stuck in the Goals UI has been fixed.
- Seed planting UI has been reworked. This is now like the food dispenser UI where portraits update when you highlight each individual seed.
- Goal complete popups now show up in breeding mode.